Observations, thoughts and other assorted stuff.
Ravenblack's Articles In Misc
February 12, 2005 by Ravenblack
On the local news lately, "Most retailers say more and more girls are opting for diamonds as their best friend." Then they interviewed a jeweller who comments: "For some which are just friends, we have some designs just for them which don't scare them off, can start off with something simple and sweet. (I really never knew you would buy a diamond "just to be friends". What a ridiculous comment! Diamonds are in themselves implying something more serious than "just friends".) There's def...
October 27, 2004 by Ravenblack
The Electromark website lets you make custom signs, labels and other signage. No, I'm not a representative of Electromark, but I love to use their design-your-own-signs stuff. It's really cool. Here's some everyone can use... This is for all you points whores: This one is for Mignuna and anyone who is getting spammed: Here's a label you can use whenever you want to start a political debate: Want to tell someone that the topic has been posted before? Someone stumb...
October 21, 2004 by Ravenblack
I was thinking of searching for an article on the internet on the chinese art of tea drinking, because I can hardly remember the things my grandfather taught me. But that would not be authentic nor honest if I do that. My grandfather would not be proud if I did that. As he would say, "You must be proud of your roots." My grandfather was a tea merchant from China. Over the course of his life, he had been a merchant trading in all sorts of things, but his passion was chinese tea. Towards h...
September 29, 2004 by Ravenblack
One of my colleagues has just returned from Thailand and she has bought worms for us to eat. That's right -- worms. Not those wonderfully tangy green mangos, not those crispy Thai pork floss crackers, not those tasty fried pork jerky thins...but fried worms in a clear plastic box. "Would you like to try some?" Everyone looked at each other with disgust but egged each other on in Fear Factor fashion. "Oh it tastes nutty." "Weird." She turned to me. I was like, "Er... no...?" ...
September 15, 2004 by Ravenblack
Is it just me or do Americans like Grill a lot? There seems to be grill restuarants around every corner in the town centre of Silver Spring and around Washington DC. Of course, there are other stuff like italian and mexican, but there's like grill in every menu or so. A little too greasy to my liking. I stuck to eating salads and sandwiches most of the time. May I ask if Americans eat grill regularly or some other stuff? What's the regular staple food that you eat, may I ask the Amer...
September 1, 2004 by Ravenblack
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
August 27, 2004 by Ravenblack
One of my all time favorite horror movies is Carrie, based on Stephen King's horror novel about a girl with telekinetic powers who wreck vengeance on those who have tormented her in school. The latest remake of that 1976 movie follows pretty closely to the original with a few changes that sort of mild down the chaos and the horror. The 1976 original is still the best. I think Sissy Spacek was brilliant as the weirdo girl in school that people point at and make fun of. (Check out the link be...
August 19, 2004 by Ravenblack
Bored with nothing to write about, I took to looking through a neglected drawer just next to my bed. I found an old plastic "junkbox". It's contents: An old student transport pass for bus and train rides - this was back when I was studying in polytechnic. I remember I had to wake up really early to get to school. It took about one and half hours to get there. I don't know how I managed to do that for three years. The trains were always horribly crowded and so were the buses, and I r...
August 3, 2004 by Ravenblack
(Disclaimer: This may not be funny or even witty, but I was just feeling silly.) I was happily sitting on my couch munching potato chips in front of the TV when I felt a sharp prick on my forearm. I look down, and there was a tiny red ant with his little pincers angrily pinching a mere bit of my flesh. What the hell was this little ant so angry about? Was I sitting in its place? Was it because I moved my arm too much? *smack* It fell to the floor, dead. Lesson for future bad tempere...