The Electromark website lets you make custom signs, labels and other signage. No, I'm not a representative of Electromark, but I love to use their design-your-own-signs stuff. It's really cool.
Here's some everyone can use...
This is for all you points whores:

This one is for Mignuna and anyone who is getting spammed:

Here's a label you can use whenever you want to start a political debate:

Want to tell someone that the topic has been posted before?

Someone stumbles into your thread by accident and posts something totally off?


One for the moderators...

(Such a coincidence they have the same lock graphic as the one used on this forum to indicate a locked thread.
To make these signs, visit electromark website ( and click on Custom Products, choose the kind of signs you want to make
and just follow the steps to making the sign. The site works best in IE (I tried with Mozilla and it just wouldn't load right.)
The pages take a while to load, but they are fun. When you made the sign, ctrl-Print Screen to capture the entire browswer window,
open Paint or image editor you prefer, Paste (Ctrl-V) into the image editor, (do your cropping and all that) then save the image as a jpeg or gif if you want to put it up online.