Observations, thoughts and other assorted stuff.
Published on January 7, 2005 By Ravenblack In Life Journals
It's not good to be addicted to anything, even the necessary cup of coffee, a simple pleasure. And so, I have decided that I'm going to start curing myself of the need for that drink every morning.

Note that me not drinking coffee in the morning = headaches, grouchiness for the rest of the day.

So I'm not going to stop suddenly, I will slowly adapt by taking less and less coffee, until I don't need it at all. Yesterday, I took about half the amount of coffee powder I would usually use to make a cup and had that. And I only had a bit of headache, and I was generally sleepy too (that's my fault because I didn't get enough sleep the night before). Today, I had half the usual again.

I'm gonna keep decreasing the amount of coffee I take as days go by. And soon, I am confident, coffee will not be necessary anymore.

on Jan 07, 2005
Yeah, no more coffee for you, you can do it
on Jan 07, 2005
Interestingly enough, I'm trying to start drinking coffee in the morning. I usually don't eat breakfast, but am painfully aware that ingesting something really does help to wake me up. And I'm not really a juice person. Add to that the fact that I just got a really awesome one cup coffee maker, and I feel an addiction in the making.
on Jan 07, 2005
Why would you do that to yourself, Raven? Why abuse yourself by disallowing something so pure and beautiful in your body? I don't understand. It's all very sad and confusing to see someone take a road in the wrong direction.

My friend, coffee is a gift! Seize it and be proud!

on Jan 07, 2005

Life without coffee?!? Say it isn't so!

Good luck, brave soul. Keep us posted.

on Jan 07, 2005
Danny and Heather: Thanks.

Philomedy: >>Add to that the fact that I just got a really awesome one cup coffee maker, and I feel an addiction in the making

I think it is!

A: haha! I just wanna shake off the dependency.
on Jan 11, 2005
Why abuse yourself by disallowing something so pure and beautiful in your body?

Coffee purifies everything! The drinking of the delicious bean juice is a joy! Dive into a vat near you! And quick!

just wanna shake off the dependency

Drinking coffee isn't about dependency. It's about necessity! HAHA!
on Jan 12, 2005
Yeah, you keep defending it, but you'll be sorry if you ever get stranded somewhere without your precious brew.

I have not had coffee since yesterday. I won't have it this morning either. I'll blog about it soon. Now I gotta leave for work.