I hate you and everything about you. Not because of the color of your skin - I would hate you even if you are the exact same shade as me. Not because you are rich or poor - I would hate you either way. Not because of your religion, because I have no say on what a man chooses to believe. Not because you are thin or fat, since size doesn't matter. Not because you are smart or stupid, although I'm more to incline to think that the latter truly describes you. I hate you because you are you. The words from your mouth disgust me, the sight of you sickens me and everything you touch becomes contaminated by you. I disagree with your mere existence. You take up the space where someone else better than you could have occupied. I resent the fact that I have to share the air with you. You are a waste of carbon and water molecules. I don't hate your 'kind', your 'origin', your 'church', your 'gang', I just hate YOU.
[/mean mode off]